Glory to God in the Lowest
You've heard the story: The shepherds were in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, terrifying each brave shepherd. The angel declared good news [...]
For to Us
Remember inspecting the packages underneath the tree? You may not have been old enough to read, but you could recognize your own name. There it was: mixed in with other presents, was one wrapped [...]
Better Together
On a trip through the mountains, aspen trees quake in glorious splendor, ablaze in orange and red and gold. Rarely will you find a lone aspen—they grow in stands or groves. Why? Because aspen [...]
Ask for Help
I've had this weird thing going on with my eye, and been putting off getting it looked at. At random times, most often in the evening, my left eye would feel like something was [...]
More Than Monopoly
Dates don't have to be confined to the prototypical "dinner and a movie." Although, for the record, a dinner and a movie is indeed one of our favorite dates. When Peter (also known as the [...]
The Question Habit
Asking questions and listening well can take every relationship deeper. Have an engagement tool for the next time awkward silence fills the air Discover the God-designed uniqueness of another person Help someone else process [...]