About Mandy Pallock

Mandy used to travel the world teaching photography and digital imaging classes with a Christian photography school. Now she’s settled in San Antonio with her happy little family, running her own photography business and helping run the Life Purpose Planning organization. She writes and shares and drinks coffee, not necessarily in that order. Mandy’s goal is to live purposefully and passionately through each phase of life. She passionately believes people who understand and live out their God-given purposes will change the world.

The Power of Prescription

We each have a unique way of seeing the world, on this side of eternity. This week a friend’s glasses broke. And while he waited for his replacements to come in, he had to navigate a few days without his glasses. I have a light prescription that helps when I’m reading up close. I [...]

By |2024-08-18T12:21:14-06:00August 18th, 2024|Devotion|0 Comments

The Silence of God

Coffee cup perched on the arm of the chair, I enjoy a morning on the back porch before the day heats up and August rages in with full heat. Yesterday our family went out with my brother, sister, and their respective families to celebrate a birthday. Sometimes the conversation rollicked around the table, with [...]

By |2024-08-04T21:58:33-06:00August 4th, 2024|Devotion|0 Comments

Aroma of Victory

Making small talk in the kitchen at church one Sunday, a young man told me he had camped out the night before. We commiserated about how the unexpected cold had surprised him and how he wrapped every layer he brought around him—jeans, a flannel, and a hammock—leaving him wishing for at least one more layer [...]

By |2024-04-11T19:09:41-06:00April 11th, 2024|Devotion|0 Comments

An Eclipse on a Cloudy Day

With alarms set to go off at 5 am, I laid awake in bed, too excited to go back to sleep. Eclipse day! I'd read the books. I'd watched the documentaries. I'd refreshed the NASA website pages. But I'd never seen a Total Solar Eclipse. This was the day! My husband Peter and three [...]

By |2024-04-30T08:19:42-06:00April 10th, 2024|Devotion|0 Comments

#58 – Optimistic Sign Placement

There’s a dance that goes on in our neighborhood every weekend… One person stops at the corner, planting a sign promoting their open house. Another person can be seen taping up an offer for a website or yard work or a garage sale. Minutes or hours or days later, the neighborhood representative comes through with [...]

By |2024-02-16T08:51:18-06:00April 10th, 2024|Podcast|0 Comments
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